Information located on our site:
The Workshop — Our how-to section of instruction & tips with photographs exploring various topics:
- Workshop 1: Peening
- Workshop 2: Honing
- Workshop 3: Stroke
- Workshop 4: Hafting Angle
- Workshop 5: Snath Fit
- Workshop 6: Making a Hay Rack
The Scythe — an introduction by Elliot Fishbein of Scythe Supply. Appeared in Mother Earth News, Feb./Mar. 2002.
Testimonials — testimonials from ScytheSupply customers.
Farm Show — an article in Farm Show Magazine.
FAQ — frequently asked questions.
Tips & Advice — our list of pointers and helpful instruction.
Snath assembly — instructions for our snaths with some general advice .
Don't try this at home! — a story of blade abuse and damage.
Scythe Song — a poem by the Scottish poet Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
A Conversation — God and St. Francis have a talk about lawns.
A Bush Scythe in Your Woodlot? — an article discussing the virtues of using a bush blade-equipped scythe in the back 40.
Links on the web:
Vegetable Gardening for Dummies – A Novice’s Guide – A thorough introduction to gardening for the neophyte.
Association Des Faucheurs A La Faulx — Association of French scythe enthusiasts located in Pont-Salmon, France.
Growing for Market — A monthly journal of news and ideas for market gardeners.
MOFGA — The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardeners Association. The oldest and largest state organic organization in the country.
American Grain Cradles, by Richard Van Vleck
Grain Cradle Patents — 13 patent illustrations for various grain cradle attachments
Right to Quiet Society — for soundscape awareness and protection.
Debby's Garden Links — in the UK
Martin J. Donnelly — Antique Tools & Books with links to the world of tool collecting.
Wheatmania! Raising wheat in Kansas by the Kansas Wheat Growers Association
EcoLandTech — a vast clearing house of links, discussion forums, and information about permaculture, organic agriculture and homesteading.
The Permaculture Activist — N. America's Journal of Design and Sustainable Culture.
Michael Phillips & Lost Nation Orchard. — All About Organic Orcharding with Michael Phillips.
The Good Life Center — advancing Helen and Scott Nearing's commitment to social justice and simple living.
Clean Air Gardening — environmentally responsible lawn and garden equipment.
Van Bourgondien & Sons — a family owned Dutch bulb and perennial company. Their Bulb Lady section contains useful gardening tips, articles and links.
Farm Show Magazine — a newspaper filled with product information and tips & tricks that apply to agriculture on all scales. A wealth of practical information contributed by their readers.
Lie-Nielsen Toolworks — hand woodworking tools elevated to a level of craftsmanship above all others. This Maine based company has brought back to life many old designs that have long since disappeared. Exquisite functional jewelry for the lover of wonderful tools.
Wild Ones — a non-profit group which encourages the propagation of native species.
Crosscut Saw Co. — offers a variety of new vintage-style saws.
East Coast Greenway — "The East Coast Greenway connects 15 states, 450 cities and towns, and 3,000 miles of people-powered trails from Maine to Florida —the country’s longest biking and walking route." Pretty impressive, and pretty fun to bike or walk.
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