TOPS Blades

TOPS Blades

These are our Heidi and Peter blades; the label tells it all. The blades were originally manufactured in the 1970's by the Austrian company Redtenbacher for sale in the U.S. We stumbled across a store of them a few years ago and the blades quickly sold out. We now have them manufactured by Schroeckenfux the company that forges all our blades.

The blades come in three lengths, 24"/60cm, 26”/65cm and 28”/70cm, each weighs about 17 ounces. For the T-26 that’s 2 ounces heavier than our 26” grass blade but 3 ounces lighter than our 26” ditch blade. The T-28 is the same weight as our 28” grass blade and 4 ounces lighter than our 28” ditch blade.

If you need a light weight, strong ditch blade the Tops is an excellent choice for grass, mature weeds and light brush. The T-28 has strong downward sweep toward the point which is advantageous for trimming around fence posts and the trunks of trees without damaging post or bark. For field mowing the hooked nose helps distribute the cutting over the length of the blade.

Unlike our other blades the tang on Tops blades tapers allowing for more hafting angle adjustment if you have a narrow clamping ring. Though designed for our snaths this style tang usually fits well in the clamping arrangement of an American style snath. The blades lay well on an American style snath and are often an improvement over the heavy American blade.

We have found these blades very handy around our farm for mowing field grasses, trimming around trees in the orchard and mowing weeds around the gardens. The edge holds up well in mowing conditions that will normally damage the thinner grass blades.

All in all, this is a very versatile blade and owning one just might bring you love.

TOPS Blade - 24"/60cm $80 Temp. out of stock
TOPS Blade - 26"/65cm $80 Temp. out of stock
TOPS Blade - 28"/70cm $85 Temp. out of stock

Heidi and Peter are happy to announce that ScytheSupply carries their special blade!

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