Wild Plants I Have Known… and Eaten

Wild Plants I Have Known… and Eaten

Russ Cohen
Essex County Greenbelt Association, LLC
Paperback, 78 pages
ISBN: 0- 9719668-1-8
Item: #1017

Inspired by an Edible Botany course taught by his sophomore biology teacher, Russ Cohen became a life-long enthusiast of foraging wild foods.

Wild Plants I Have Known… And Eaten is presented in four parts. Parts One and Two share the copious benefits of harvesting wild foods, from spiritual uplift to family bonding, as well as the basics of safely identifying, collecting and processing plants. The balance of the book is dedicated to a lively romp through shaggy areas, edges, mushy places and sunny fields and is organized chronologically, spring to winter, according to when each plant is ready for harvest.

As you peruse the photos, descriptions and “profiles” of each plant, you will probably find that these tasty treats have been with you all the time. You may find yourself grabbing those nearby and exclaiming, “Hey! I pull that out of my onion patch every spring!” Proving the author’s main point that foraging is fun, my co-worker said, “This generates a lot of good conversation!”

It may be that some of those plants in your scythe’s windrow could well go in your evening salad or soup. (Recipes provided).

Wild Plants I Have Known… and Eaten $15

4/23/01 - 4/23/25: Scythe Supply celebrates it's 25th anniversary!

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