The ScytheSupply Blog

Group mowing

Group mowing

There's really nothing like an old fashioned group mow.  If you've never tried it, one person starts mowing and after they've gone a reasonable distance, 10-20 feet or so, a second mower tucks in behind them and starts cutting the next swath over.

Each spring or summer Scythe Supply and friends gather to group mow one of the fields at Shore Road Farm, the home of Scythe Supply in Perry, Maine.  People come and go, and mow, and then eat a giant breakfast.

The Scythe Association, an active scythe promoting group in Britain and Ireland, also holds group mowing experiences, like this one, cutting London Fields wildflower meadow.

A bonus of a group mow is it gives beginners an opportunity to try out a scythe, and sharpening tools, before plunging in and making a purchase.  And experienced mowers can share tips. Plus, you'll get that acre mowed a heck of a lot faster than if you did it yourself.

Published on Feb 24, 2015 by Emily

4/23/01 - 4/23/25: Scythe Supply celebrates it's 25th anniversary!

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