Welcome to ScytheSupply's Bookstore. Here you will find publications that we enjoy and find useful. We welcome suggestions.

Picture of book titled Twelve Kinds of Ice Twelve Kinds of Ice
by Ellen Bryan Obed
Picture of book titled Small Scale Grain Raising Small Scale Grain Raising
by Gene Logsdon
Picture of book titled Homegrown Whole GrainsHomegrown Whole Grains
by  Sara  Pitzer

Picture of book titled Grasses: An Identification Guide
By  Lauren Brown
Picture of book titled Barns and Outbuildings: And How To Build Them
Edited by Byron D. Halsted
Picture of book titled The Scythe Book (2nd edition) by David Tresemer and Peter Vido

Picture of book titled Handy Farm Devices: And How to Make Them Handy Farm Devices: And How to Make Them
by Rolfe Cobleigh
Picture of book titled Stalking the Wild Asparagus Stalking the Wild Asparagus
By Euell Gibbons
Picture of book titled The Apple Grower The Apple Grower
By Michael Phillips

Picture of book titled Fences, Gates and Bridges: A Practical Manual Fences, Gates and Bridges: A Practical Manual
by George A. Martin
Picture of book titled Guide to the Grasses, Sedges and Rushes of the United StatesField Guide to the Grasses, Sedges and Rushes of the United States
by Edward Knobel
Picture of book titled The Ax BookThe Ax Book
by Dudley Cook

Picture of book titled From the LandFrom The Land
Photographs by Bridget Besaw
Text by John Piotti
Picture of book titled Look to the MountainLook to the Mountain
By LeGrand Cannon, Jr.


Picture of Peening the European ScythePeening the European Scythe DVD/VHS - 30 minutes
Picture of Techiques with the European Scythe DVDMowing Techniques with the European Scythe DVD
DVD. 30 minutes runtime
Picture of Meet Your Farmer DVDMeet Your Farmer
Pull Start Productions

Picture of Peening & Sharpening (8005)DVD Combo: Peening & Sharpening (8005) + Mowing Techniques (8007)

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