Blade Repair Service

Blade Repair Service

Uh-Oh. You've lent your scythe to a friend. It’s back and now you hold what looks more like a saw blade than a scythe blade. Or, your favorite blade has managed to ferret out that old, lost section of page wire fence you’ve been meaning to roll up and recycle. Or, your blade has succumbed to any number of the assaults that lie in ambush in that overgrown field you’re trying to reclaim. It’s heartbreaking, to say the least, to look down and see that once beautiful blade ragged with nicks, cuts, cracks and tears. There is a sinking feeling in your stomach and the air may turn blue with a newly acquired vocabulary. Beyond self pity and frustration what do you do when the damage to your blade requires a more extensive repair than you wish to tackle?

Perhaps, ScytheSupply can help you out. We have seen and repaired many badly damaged blades. Before you decide to send that blade to the scrape heap contact us. We will give you an estimate if the blade is repairable. If it is beyond our abilities we will say so or if the cost is greater than half the price of a new blade we will recommend purchasing a new one instead of repairing.

Repairs that we will pass up are blades in two or more pieces, blades twisted, bent or kinked. Photos showing the damage help us estimate the cost and likelihood of repair. Usually, two or three photos at the most will do for an assessment. If we need more we’ll write back. If you email photos please send small size files to limit the download time.

To order our blade repair service you can visit the order page or click the button below:

Contact us w/ pictures of your blade. $20 deposit.

To give you an idea of what we've done here are some photos of a damaged blade and the resulting repair.


If you're interested in learning the skill of blade repair, see our video:


  • As always, be careful when handling a scythe or scythe blade; like any blade they are dangerous and should be handled only by responsible adults.
  • Wearing gloves, eye protection, and a protective covering across your lap when repairing a blade can reduce the risk of injury. In the video below you will see our lap is covered with a tripe-layered apron made out of towels.
  • ScytheSupply is not responsible for accidents or injuries that are the result of scythe use, sharpening, or repair.

4/23/01 - 4/23/25: Scythe Supply celebrates it's 25th anniversary!

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